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Lightning Strikes

It finally happened, rain. Not light rain, not droplets of rain but buckets and buckets of rain. On our way out of Nags Head we could see the clouds roiling in the distance and by the time we had traveled 5 miles an intense lightning storm was over us. Dick and I were lucky and found shelter outside of a closed ice cream stand. Some of our riders were caught on the massive causeway outside of Kitty Hawk. Some said it was terrifying with the driving rain and intense lightning. This was no way to start a 92 mile day.

Once the storm subsided the sun and humidity were unbearable. To leave the Outer Banks we traveled west directly into a 15 mph headwind. It felt like someone had their hand on my forehead pushing my head back as I tried to pedal forward. It was a very long day however, the roads we good and motorists were courteous. As we traveled west away from the coast the area became very rural.

After traveling 91.3 miles a second storm more intense than any I seen in a long time hit. There was hail, lightning, 50 mph winds and driving rain. Some of the riders behind us couldn’t traverse the road because of trees blocking their was. I was lucky and Tim and I found shelter behind a church. The storm on later for 20 minutes but it did a lot of damage.

Tim and I traveled the remaining 0.7 miles to the Baptist Church in Sunbury. Women from the congregation were waiting for us with a delicious homemade lasagna dinner. That surly made a very tough day a lot better. Tomorrow we enter Virginia. Hopefully the storms are gone.


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