St.John’s Lutheran Church in Alma
I was anticipating an easy day but I anticipated wrong. I left from the church where I tested positive for Covid In June. Cindy was there to send me off. She would meet me at the end of the day just across the Mississippi River from Prescott, WI in Hasting, MN.
The General Store with great lunches
The first 30 miles flew by and I enjoyed stopping at a number of historical markers that over looked the Mississippi. I stopped at a cute general store and had a delicious deli sandwich. I also met a very nice couple at an overlook, Jeff and Brenda. They were from North Carolina and were visiting their daughter in St. Paul. They volunteered to take my picture and I did the same for them. You meet the nicest people on these adventure.
Overlooking the Mississippi River
The last 33 miles seemed endless. The road was more heavily traveled and I had a number of long 6% grade hills to climb while dealing with a stiff cold wind in my face. it wasn’t much fun and I was very happy to reach Prescott and Cindy.
A Mexican dinner fit for a king or a hungry biker
Cindy and I had a delicious Mexican dinner next to our hotel in Hastings. It’s the same hotel I stay at while quarantining with Covid in June. I love revisiting places where I have bad memories.
So many things to see and so little time
Tomorrow I have a 93 mile day planned. The wind is supposed to be out of the south/east as I make my way north/west. This should work in my favor. Also I don’t believe there will be as many hills to climb. I sure hope so.